Monday, September 30, 2019

Poetry Humanities Essay

Compare the ways that Checking out Me History explores the importance of identity and culture with one other poem of your choice. Agard in Checking Out Me History show is strong belief in the importance of our identity. Whereas Nagra in Singh Song doesn’t see the importance of his identity. In both poems, the use of language has been used to show their culture and identity. In Checking Out Me History, Agard writes â€Å"Dem tell me/wha dem want to tell me†. The use of non-standard english of ‘dem’ instead of ‘them’, suggests that the speaker is refusing to use standard english as he believes the Colonial Powers have oppressed his own identity and his own culture. The repetition of ‘Dem’ suggests that he has been brainwashed into learning about great white history like ‘Lord Nelson and Waterloo’. However, language in Singh Song is used to show a barrier between the two cultures. Nagra writes â€Å"Hey Singh, ver yoo bin?/yor lemons are limes†. The use of non-standard shows a natural language barrier as he is trying to use standard english. The quote â€Å"yor lemons are limes†, suggests that the goods he is selling are outdated. From this we can see that there is a bridge between cultures as he trying to be like a traditional clean British shop from a typical stereotype of an unclean Indian corner shop. Structure is used in Checking Out Me History to emphasise certain words . Agard narrates â€Å"Toussaint/ With Vision/ Lick back/ Napoleon/ First black/ De thorn/ De beacon/ De Haitian revolution†. The emphasis on the words ‘vision, thorn, beacon’ connotes hope and proudness in Black history. Also the half rhyme in ‘vision, beacon and revolution’ gives it a short snappy, slow rhythmic flow to it which is effective in making the forgotten Black history stand out. In Singh Song, structure is used to show a contrast between the two cultures. Daljit Nagra writes â€Å"My bride/ she hav a red crew cut/ and she wear a Tartan sari/ a donkey jacket and some pumps†. The contrast between the ‘red crew cut’ and ‘tartan sari’ suggests culture difference as she wants to keep her Indian culture with the ‘tartan sari’ but wants to be modernised with the ‘donkey jacket and pumps’.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Poetry’s Influences on the Harlem Renaissance Essay

Racial equality has been the topic of many works for centuries. Many of those works weren’t written by those actually affected by inequality. During the 1920’s African Americans began to express their opinions on the issue more frequently through the arts. Poetry was among the most prominent forms of art used for spreading equality and justice. Poets like Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, and Claude McKay wrote many poems that spoke on equality in society. African Americans felt betrayed after the civil war. They had given their lives and after the war nothing had changed (Cartwright, â€Å"The Harlem Renaissance†). They were still not treated equal and didn’t get paid as much as any other worker. During the 1920’s they started a cultural and racial movement in Harlem, New York called the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance was a time of growth of African Americans during the 1920’s. During this time ideas on equality and freedom spread through the African American community like wild fire. African Americans were expressing their emotions about racial equality in many different ways (Rau 167). Some chose poetry some chose painting or jazz. They used these arts to highlight the injustices they saw in their everyday lives. 1. Langston Hughes Langston Hughes is one the most well know poets of the Harlem Renaissance. Hughes was born in 1902 in Joplin, Missouri (Rampersad, â€Å"Hughes’s Life and Career†). His beginnings were more humble than most. At a very young age Langston’s Hughes parents divorced. After the divorce Hughes moved to Lincoln with his grandmother. This is where he began to write poetry (The Academy of American poets, â€Å"Langston Hughes†). Hughes ideals were closely based around his grandfather, who was a militant abolitionist (Rampersad, â€Å"Hughes’s Life and Career†) His poetry was influenced by many poets who shared his colorful writing style (The Academy of American poets, â€Å"Langston Hughes†). Hughes lived his life as he wrote, with passion. After high school Hughes spent a year in Mexico with his father who disliked his passion for writing and urged him to stop. At that time Hughes was beginning to get published in a number of places like magazines and children’s book. During this time he was noticed but W. E. B Dubois. Upon Hughes return to America he enrolled in Colombia University in New York. Hughes did not like the atmosphere at Colombia so after a year he left. After Columbia he moved to New York and began work on a freighter. This job took him to many places. He traveled to the coast of Africa, Spain, and Paris. ( Rampersad, â€Å"Hughes Life and Career†)He ended up staying in Paris for a couple of months this is where he began practicing a new style of poetry there. Hughes writing style was a lot different from the others. Throughout his life time Hughes wrote many poems that showed common experiences that all African Americans shared. Hughes never discussed the differences between his life and the lives of other Africans Americans. His poetry always showed the negative and positive sides of the African American experience. Hughes may have seen both sides of African Americans but when it came to issues between African Americans and Caucasians he had strong opinions. He (Rampersad, â€Å"Hughes’s Life and Career†) wrote many poems that touched on the controversial topics of that time. In poems like I, Too and The nergo speaks rivers Hughes talked about the struggles that African Americans went through. (Poetry Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts, â€Å"Langston Hughes†). Hughes used his dislike for Caucasians often in his poetry. 2. Countee Cullen Countee Cullen might not have reached the fame that Langston Hughes has over the years but his poetry was just as influential. Countee Cullen was born in May 30, 1903 in New York when his grandmother died in 1918 Cullen was put under the custody of Reverend Fredrick A. Cullen. Cullen’s connection to the Salem Methodist Episcopal church through Reverend Cullen placed him in the center of black politics and culture at the age of 15. This gave him a more unconventional education. Instead of learning regular writing and math like other children his age he was taught about black ideals. Most of his education was provided by completely white influences. This gave him a well rounded look at racism. (Poetry Foundation, â€Å"Countee Cullen†). This was often shown in his writing. Cullen’s writing technique would never directly attack Caucasians like other poets during the Harlem renaissance. He was a new voice for the African Americans, one that was actually listened too Cullen graduated from New York University in 1925 as Phi Beta Kappa. At that time he was already writing some of the acclaimed poems published in books by Harper and Brothers: Color (1925), Copper Sun (1927). He won first prize in the Witter Bynner Contest in 1925. Graduating with a Harvard University M. A. egree in 1926, the poet traveled to France as a Guggenheim Fellow(A grant). Upon his return in 1928, he married Yolanda Du Bois, daughter of W. E. B. Du Bois. She divorced him two years later, saying that he told her he was sexually attracted to men. From 1934 on, Cullen taught English and French at the Frederick Douglas Junior High School, though he declined a Creative Literature invitation from Fisk University in Nashville. In 1940 he married an old friend, Ida Mae Roberson. (The Harvard Square Library, â€Å"Countee Cullen† He died in 1946 of gastrointestinal disorder Cullen’s upbringing helped his poetry reach both African American and Caucasian audiences. Cullen was able to do something most African American poets in the Harlem renaissance couldn’t and that was reaching both sides. Cullen was against the way that African Americans were treated but he also understood not all Caucasians had the same ideals. He was brought up with Caucasians in his life which causes him to show a less offensive type of poetry. Cullen’s poetry often presented the sad side of an African Americans life (Poetry Foundation, â€Å"Countee Cullen†). The poem The Little Brown Boy tells of the death of a young black boy (Nelson and Smethurst, â€Å"Countee Cullen poems†). This shows the method of persuasion he used. Countee’s poetry’s influence reached many and his voice spread far. 3. Claude McKay In 1889 Claude McKay was born in sunny vile, Jamaica to peasant farmers. His lower class up bringing taught him how to love himself and have pride in his African heritage. Similar to Cullen, McKay was unconventionally taught as well. McKay was home schooled by his older brother and neighbors. He studied romantics and many other European based things. In adult hood he moved to Kingston which would be the first time that he had actually experienced racism he was immediately disgusted with the way that African Americans were treated and returned home disgusted. Once he returned to sunny vile he published his first verse of poetry. (Academy of American Poets, â€Å"Claude McKay†) After hearing about Booker T. Washington’s Tuskegee institute he decided to move to Alabama and enroll. There he sees American racism for the first time. McKay took a lot of his influence for his writing from similar poets to Langston (University of Illinois, â€Å"Claude McKay’s Life†). As early as 1912 he had published his first volume of verse, Songs of Jamaica, which had been widely praised and had won a medal for poetry. McKay slowly decided not to return to Jamaica and stayed in America. In 1914 he left college and began work menial jobs typical of the African American in the Northern cities of America at that time. At different periods he worked as wheelwright, porter, dishwasher, waiter, and longshoreman. McKay didn’t take his jobs very seriously they were just a matter of earning enough cash to quit for a while and write. McKay’s interest in politics led him to the socialist like many other artist. He was associate editor of The Liberator, a socialist U. S. journal of art and literature. In 1923-24mckay went to Moscow, Russia to be a part of the Bolshevik Revolution. As a African American, McKay was used to show the soviets commitment to racial equality, and he was treated like royalty, being lavishly entertained and exhibited on platforms with the most famous revolutionary leaders. But McKay was skeptical of all this, though he had sympathy for the lives lost in to the Revolution. Claude traveled the world trying to find a peaceful place to write. He went to Morocco and France. In 1928 he published his famous novel, Home to Harlem, which was a national best-seller in the U. S. and was instantly a literary sensation. ( Though McKay reached great success in his life he died impoverished and unappreciated. Claude McKay’s experience with the racism in Alabama was the basis for a lot of his writing. McKay more geared towards the empowerment of blacks and less toward equality. McKay wanted to show that African Americans weren’t just equal but they were better. A lot of his poetry was written to show how much power African Americans had. (Academy of American Poets, â€Å"Claude McKay†) in the poem â€Å"If We Must Die† McKay writes about how African Americans must fight as hard as they can even if the end result is death. This poem says a lot about McKay’s style of writing. In the years after the Harlem renaissance African Americans expressed themselves more often than ever before. The Harlem renaissances effect on African Americans was obvious. Free ideas were flowing and battles were being fought for equal rights. In the thirties no one had much money so African Americans had even less opportunities for work. Each of these poets had a different style and finesse but there messages were all the same. They all grew up as African Americans and they all experienced racism in some way shape or form. They all took those situations and used them to empower those around them. Claude McKay, Countee Cullen, and Langston Hughes might have all had different writing styles but they all played a major role in the growth of African Americans in the United States of America.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Article review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Review - Article Example The article mainly looks at the point whether the companies selling soup is really responsible for the health of children or not. The article mentions that it can also be the responsibility of the parents to protect the children from burns. Corporate Social Responsibility is a fact, and companies are responsible for the risk attached with the products they sell. According to (Baker)â€Å" My own definition is that CSR is about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society†. In our case, the corporate social responsibility of the companies which provide soup is meager. As when it comes to CSR, the company looks at society rather than a segment of market. Here children who drink soup are small segment of market and article suggests that health of the child should be the responsibility of the parents rather than that of company. In case of the topics discussed in the class room, the article can be related to Risk Management planning and financial planning. Risk management planning because, the so called product soup is risky to the children and the damage to their health poses a risk to the management of the company. When a company sells hot soup they should be aware of the fact that even children are their potential customers. They should have designed soup cups which are usable by children too .Moreover , the financial planning also comes into action, in relevance with this article.Becuase, when additional soup cups are to be designed , it incurs finance , hence an organization needs to pay attention on financial planning . I liked this article in some ways because of the message it passes on to the readers. Most importantly, it addresses about health and well being of children. Children are very delicate and apart from parents, companies also need to look at their health as potential customers. As per (Zepeda)â€Å"Instant cups of soup — the kind that often come in a Styrofoam cup full of noodles â⠂¬â€ send children to the hospital every day â€Å"Then the article surrounds around the subject of Corporate Social Responsibility which can be motive to administrative heads reading this .Children are also part of the community and it is the responsibility of the soup selling companies to manufacture cups which are less risky to their health. Something which I do not like about the article is that it is really precise. There should be more explanation about the subject as it is of social value. More over the article is not holding the soup selling companies as culprit for the burning incidence of children. There is also something missing in the article like the profit motive of the companies which sell instant soups. If needed the company can launch instant soup for young children but they hesitate to do this because of the profit motive they have. In her article (Abrams) writes thatâ€Å"A profit motive demands creative destruction in pursuit of more money and an allegiance to free markets†. As a company they should do assessment of their customer market in various ways. Even children are part of their market segment and due consideration to them is essential for the company to succeed in the market for long run. So the article could include the profit motive of the soup companies and how they neglect children’s health and well being. This article is less elaborative and it talks only precisely about the noted subject of Instant soup and health risk of children. A reader expects more from an article with this kind of subject matter.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Why Illegal Immigrants Must Follow the Law Essay

Why Illegal Immigrants Must Follow the Law - Essay Example These illegal immigrants have made America their home and many have raised families in this country. It is therefore necessary for them to be law abiding so that their stay in this country is not ended abruptly through deportation or if they are convicted of a crime, they do not end up serving time in jail. Whether their status in the United States is legal or illegal, it is their duty to abide by the law of the land because these laws have been passed to ensure that there is order in society. Illegal immigrants, no matter what their background is, should ensure that they abide by the law for the purpose of keeping order in society. Abiding by the law is very important because if the large number of illegal immigrants would were to get involved in illegal activities, then there would be a radical increase of the crime rates in the United States. This would make it very difficult for the law enforcement agencies at the federal, state and county level to contain crime and the order whi ch has been a part of the American society since this nation was created would be destroyed. Illegal immigrants should therefore follow the law to the latter as they found it and should avoid any activities which will put them on the wrong side of the law. This will not only ensure their own security but it will also ensure the security of all the people in the nation as a whole. Many immigrants in the United States are in the country illegally and because of this, they must be very careful not to break the law because this will bring the attention of the law enforcement agencies on them (Katel, 393 – 420). Breaking the law would be to their disadvantage because it would lead them to either serve time in a prison or get them deported back to their home countries, defeating their purpose of coming to the United States to improve their lives. I believe that the fear of deportation should be enough to make the illegal immigrants abide by the law so that they can keep their posit ions, although illegal, within the United States secure. However, the United States also has a duty to treat these illegal immigrants with the respect they deserve because whether we like it or not, the majority of Americans are not native to this land. America was founded as a refuge for those who were running away from persecution for their beliefs or for people who wanted to make better lives and have a new beginning, and that is the reason why America is said to be a nation of immigrants. Since most Americans hail from immigrant families, they should not look down upon or discriminate against the illegal immigrants because they also are looking for opportunities the same as their ancestors were. Furthermore, discriminating against illegal immigrants only drives them towards breaking the law through committing illegal activities in order to make a living. A major incentive for illegal immigrants to follow the law and not to commit any crime is for the purpose of preventing the ri se of a negative public opinion of them. This will enable them to rehabilitate the image of illegal immigrants being opportunistic people whose main purpose is to earn a living without any consideration for the welfare of the people of the country in which they have gone to work (Scarborough, M). Their following the law will enable a building of good will towards them from the American public and will deprive their critics of the argument that illegal immigrants in the United States are a security threat to the nation and that there is a need for them to be deported and stricter measures have to be put in place to ensure that there are no illegal immigrants in the country. The good public opinion will also ensure that there is social harmony in the country and not the aggressive debates

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Customer Service-CRM Technology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Customer Service-CRM Technology - Assignment Example Current companies that utilize Salesforce at the moment are FTD, ATT, Sakonent and google. Salesforce allows companies to have dynamic SALESFORCE reporting. Although the intelligence behind SALESFORCE has been enhanced, good business analysts still understand the gravity of analyzing data to report to management. This extends to just simply reading graphs but really benchmarking these results via thresholds. A centralized information from all the sources (e.g. point-of-sale (POS) system, equipment monitoring, etc) where all sorts of information, real-time feeds and legacy information, can be monitored and analyzed in most efficient and precise way via data warehousing. Salesforce ERP system, which can handle most day-to-day business functions, would serve as the hub. POS and other devices use business intelligence software to gather sales information and marketing data, which is then transferred to an Salesforce database for analysis. would help organizations have robust information of their business processes and assist them monitoring the progress of their business in the terms of sales, revenues, inventory management, staff allocation, location of the business in terms of which is profitable or unprofitable, and also gives them the head start to mitigate any risk.The utilization of SALESFORCE is to supplement the work of Business Analysts and cultivate their thinking into making better and faster

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


DEVELOP A BRIEF FOR THE IMPORTANCE OR SIGNIFICANCE OF NURSING THEORY IN THE PROFESSION OF NURSING.USE A SPECIFIC NURSING THEORY TO ILLUSTRATE YOUR POINTS - Essay Example Additionally, since the primary proponent of nursing-caring-cannot be assessed, it is significant to have a theory to evaluate and explain what nurses do. As medicine makes efforts to move towards implementing a more multidiscipline approach to health care, nursing continues to endeavor to institute an exceptional body of knowledge (McKenna, 2006). This can be observed as efforts by the nursing profession to keep its professional boundaries. The issue is unclear because the boundaries between nursing and medicine are never fixed. For instance, nurses progressively increase their range of practice by carrying out tasks previously performed by doctors. However, since these limits are continually changing, perhaps it is more significant for the nurses to define their stance and their role (McEwen & Wills, 2014). By offering nurses with a sense of identity, nursing theory helps patients, managers and other health care practitioners to identify the exceptional contribution of nurses in health care. Lastly, nursing theory such as the Self-Care theory offers the nurses an understanding of their roles and purposes in health care (Parker & Smi th,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Contract law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Contract law - Essay Example This is the principle of promissory estoppel and in its modern form it is based on the dicta of Denning J in the Central London Property case (Central London Property Trust Ltd V. High Trees House Ltd) and the decision of the House of Lords in the Tool Metal case (Tool Metal Manufacturing Co Ltd V. Tungsten Electric Co Ltd ). In Williams v. Roffey, Roffey had a contract to refurbish a block of flats. He sub-contracted the carpentry work to Williams, who after the commencement of the work came to realize that he had underestimated its cost and as a result, he was placed in financial difficulties. Roffey, realizing that the work would not be completed on time and that this would result in the breach of a penalty clause in their main contract with the owner, agreed to pay Williams an extra payment per flat (Williams v Roffey Bros & Nicholls (Contractors) Limited). Williams completed the work on these flats but did not receive full payment. He stopped work and brought in an action for damages. In the Court of Appeal, Roffey argued that Williams was only doing what he was contractually bound to do and had therefore not provided any consideration. It was held by the Court of Appeal that where a party to an existing contract later agrees to pay an extra "bonus" in order to ensure that the other party performs his obligations under the contract, then that agreement is binding if the party agreeing to pay the bonus has thereby obtained some new practical advantage or has avoided a disadvantage. In the present case, there were benefits to Roffey such as: (a) making sure Williams continued his work, (b) avoiding payment under a damages clause of the main contract if Williams was late, and (c) avoiding the expense and trouble of sub contracting the work to someone else. Therefore, Williams was entitled to payment (Williams v Roffey Bros & Nicholls (Co ntractors) Limited). In the CTN Cash case it was

Monday, September 23, 2019

Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Diversity - Essay Example There hardly seems to be any conflict or scuffle that is focused on racial or cultural paradigm. Indeed, the small skirmishes amongst the children are mostly focused on their games and older generation seems to enjoy their arguments while walking in the local park. Moreover, the gender and age distribution of observed people is also mixed. Most of the children in the park are in the age group of 3-12 years. I also find that there are a lot more people in the park who are above 50 years. Teenagers and young adults do not seem to frequent the local parks! Interestingly, the streets have more young adults and office goers and the same is true for the central market and local transport. May be there are slightly more boys than girls but the overall gender distribution within the population observed is almost same. The group formation within the mainstream population is also highlighted by diversity where whites mix with the ethnic population. It is fun to study the varying models of interaction amongst the people coming from diverse background. While the children and teenagers seem to be least bothered about their laughter, the aging white population is more reserved than their ethnic counterpart who seems to be enjoying life. They are full of life and seem to be living in the present than bogged down with the worries of tomorrow. In such a multicultural environment, I as a Mexican, have not been burdened by any cultural constraints to feel alienated. I have been accepted easily within the group and treated as friend. Surprisingly, the heterogeneous social groups behave homogenously! Indeed, had I not be studying diversity, I would not have noticed these small things which have become part of contemporary society. Furthermore, I realize that we have more cross cultural understanding and thereby are less surprised of new customs or feel awkward in group where people are coming from different culture,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Ethnic Dining, Italian Style Essay Example for Free

Ethnic Dining, Italian Style Essay On Saturday, September 15, 2007 I dined at Frankie, Johnnie and Luigi, Too. This Italian style restaurant on Prospect Road in San Jose, California is renowned for its authentic food. The phone number at the establishment is 408-446-9644. The restaurant features home-style Southern Italian cuisine. They like to brag that they do traditional pizza pie and do not serve American Yuppie offerings. The menu includes pasta, naturally, along with veal and prawn dishes. Italian sausages were suggested by the wait-staff as well. The atmosphere is red-checkered table-cloth chic which makes it more upscale than a Pizza Hut but lets the diner know it is homely and not five star pretentious. Like any country, the food of Italy varies by region, with the areas which produce more pork given to sausages and ham dishes while milk producing lands serving up a cuisine laden with dairy. The south produces veal and seafood along with signature pastas. I chose the prawn penne. The Italian food served in the United States is often Americanized to the point that it would be virtually unrecognizable to a native Italian but Frankie, Johnny and Luigi, Too makes claims of being authentic. The manager, in a long talk with us at our table, mentioned that the foods of Italy came to this country with the immigrants but didn’t begin to enter mainstream America until post World War II when pizzerias began to flourish in large cities and Dean Martin sang That’s Amore, including a line that went, â€Å"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore. It’s impact on America and American palates is subtle. Where American food is heavy on meat and potatoes the Italian cuisine is richer in flavor, using strong cheeses and cured meats as a savory more so than a main ingredient. Their olive oil is healthier than the hog lard and butter which Americans once used with abandon. The tomato, such an integral part of Italian regional food, was a gift from the New World over five hundred years ago but the Italians made it their own (Kotkin 2007) and brought it back to us in sauces cooked up by newly arrived immigrants. My dining experience was most pleasant and the samples I managed to glean from my dining companion’s platter added to the home-like atmosphere. The camaraderie was evident from the waiters to the manager who came by our table to inquire as to how we were getting along with our meal. It seemed to me that I could have been in a Southern Italian home in the middle of a holiday if I but used my imagination. I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the meal from the ante-pasta to the coffee I sipped at the close of the meal.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Captain Murderer Essay Example for Free

Captain Murderer Essay The gleaming sunlight shone through the dense canopy, piercing his dull chocolate eyes. Edwins dark complexion absorbed the shimmering suns rays, whilst his fellow comrades blossomed vibrantly under the yellow array, and remained a shadow under the bulky oaks. The elves tracked a party of goblins for three vigorous days, hoping to annihilate their clan and finally end the chaos in the vast forest of Hallow. Their steps, as quick as a cheetah and as stealthy as a cat, manoeuvred through the harsh terrain of dense shrubs, decayed logs, and muddy foliage in search of their pray. Edwin was the first of the four to feel the rush of fatigue immersing him, and was left with a drought of energy. Now is not the time to linger comrade, we are right on their tails, stated Myrth, as his sharp eagle eyes glimpsed Edwins sudden loss of momentum. Im sorry fellow kindred, I am somewhat drained from the excess hiking, replied Edwin as he placed himself on a bare rock, gasping to fill his empty lungs with air. As he struggled for oxygen, Edwin looked down upon himself as he glimpsed expressions of displeasure amongst the others as his recovery spent precious minutes. The elves continued their hunt for the corrupted goblins, their magnificent and elegant bows gliding along their slender backs as they pass through the dense terrain. Edwin continued to trail behind due to his lack of stamina, and was continuously eyed for his incompetence. The group stumbled across a recently lit camp fire and was determined it was the goblins. We are drawing near, we must hurry! exclaimed Arwen. As the shimmering rays of the gleaming sun faded away into the glistening spark of the full moon, the elves drew nearer to their enemy. The rigorous trek continued to falter Edwin, but seemed to have had no effect upon the others. With a vague gesture of the hand for halt, Evariah spoke out in a whisper, her piercing eyes glaring in all directions, I sense the enemy nearby. Bows at the ready, the elves treaded cautiously in the dark, damp forest. All of a sudden, a brute axe shot out of the distance and was aimed straight towards Edwin. Myrths superior strength and speed enabled him to shoot an arrow of equal power to counter the anonymous blade, and it simply dropped onto the rigid ground. Out of the shadows, stepped forward a swarm of ravaging goblins with the vicious content to kill. It was an ambush! realised Arwen. Without hesitation, the elves engaged in combat, firing away graceful shots from their Elvin bows, and slashing blissfully with their glorious swords. Every shot and every slash was of perfect precision and targeted the enemys vitals, resulting in an instant kill. The elves started to struggle in holding their ground as the goblins numbers were substantially larger. As the night grew older, more blood was spilt and the elves could not maintain the goblins anymore. FALL BACK! shouted Myrth, FALL BACK! The elves swiftly evaded many of their fierce attackers and dashed into the dark, densely packed oaks. Followed closely behind, was the uproar of swarming goblins with monstrous axes in their demeaning grasp. Edwin followed Myrth and the others in escaping the large mass. As the gruesome wails grew less with every step, they were convinced that they had escaped the horrible goblins. Suddenly, a twisted cry fell upon their narrow-tipped ears and a goblin swung its sharp steel axe, piercing Edwins leg. Evariah quickly responded with a gracious swing of her divine blade across its distorted neck, and it fell instantly. Edwin roared in pain, and consequently attracted the rampaging goblins. We must flee now! exclaimed Arwen. The sound of screaming monsters gradually increased and the group grew ever more hesitant of the situation. I cannot move my leg, comrades! shrieked Edwin. He cannot make it. We do not have the strength to carry him in our current state, we must make haste! Leave him be. Arwen declared. There is no other choice Arwen is right. You will only drag us behind, agreed Myrth reluctantly. But wait! protested Edwin. However, it was too late. They made their decision. They turned their back on him. The volume of the endless wailing of goblins increased as the figures of his so called comrades dissolved behind the tall, solid oaks. Edwins insides burned in a feeling of sorrow, misery and anger. His wound was deep, but did not harm him more than his feeling of rejection. Well, well, well. Look at what we have! Elf Scum, claimed the goblin, proudly. Edwin could do nothing more but stare into the goblins red repugnant eyes and justify his comrades despicable actions. What? An elf that cant talk! Haha! laughed the goblin. Edwin made no sound but felt betrayed. He could do nothing more, his mind became obscured and blinded him the fact that he was surrounded by the enemy. He slowly panned his view in disarray, and then felt a large blunt object strike his head. Edwin woke up, and found himself in a large, foul pit, with a throbbing headache. Both his hands and feet were cuffed securely, and tried frantically to escape, but was all in vein. The sad and deprived elf sat there in the dusty corner, hugging his bare knees, asking himself, why? Heavy footsteps approached and the familiar face of the wretched goblin presented itself in front of Edwin again. Its grin revealed the black and decayed teeth behind those battered lips. What will you do with me? asked the elf bluntly. Its foul grin grew wider. Nothing, he simply replied. As an elf, you are immortal. So I am going to do nothing with you, and let you rot in that pit for the rest of eternity. The elf was not surprised, nor did he care. He simply sat there, staring at the moist soil surrounding him. After a long pause, the goblin blatantly asked, You are an elf. Why are you not as beautiful as the rest? Oh I am much more beautiful than they are. I would never have succumbed in letting one of my comrades fall behind and get captured, the elf replied, still staring into the vast shades of brown in the soil. Haha. Maybe they disowned you because of how hideous you are! laughed the goblin. Infuriated, the elf exclaimed That is a very bold statement, especially coming from the likes of you! With clenched teeth, deep breathing, and a violent glare in his eyes, the elf rose up and twisted his arms around his neck. He pulled the metal chains as tight as he could, and as the light from his dull, chocolate eyes faded away, dropped to the ground.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Words And Works Of Jesus Christ Theology Religion Essay

The Words And Works Of Jesus Christ Theology Religion Essay The name Jesus (IÄâ€Å"sous) is the Greek form for the Hebrew Yeshua (Yahweh saves). Jesus is the realisation/fulfilment of the prophecies of Gods Messiah for his people. While on earth He spoke as no-one ever spoke and has done deeds no-one has done (John 3:2). In this assignment a broad chronological overview is presented of the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ with some focus on his words and works. A chronological overview of His ministry of three years is undertaken with special attention to the first six months, the last six months and the last week. BEFORE THE FIRST YEAR The Gospel writers account of Jesus infant/childhood years vary. The Synoptic Gospels (Matt-Luke) contain some data (although Mark does not have anything on Jesus childhood) but the Gospel of John speaks only about the Logos who became a man (John 1:14). The conception of Christ was kept secret by Mary who à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦kept all thingsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦in her heart (Luke 2:19). In the Synoptic Gospels Matthew gives particulars about Jesus birth and his earliest childhood (Matt. 2) but Luke also has some information about Jesus twelfth year (Luke 2:41-52). Jesuss infancy is narrated in four incidents in Luke 2:8-40 and Matthew 2:1-23. (Anon., n.d.). Luke wrote about two events where an angel declared the birth of Jesus to the shepherds (Luke 2:8-14) and then the shepherds visit to Bethlehem (2:15-20). In the second event, the presentation of Jesus in Jerusalem (Luke 2:21-39) following the circumcision and the purification of his mother (2:22). Simeon had a revelation about Jesus, that he would see the Christ before his death (Luke 2:26), and by proclaiming it, the prophetess Anna overheard it and she praised God 2:38). Luke takes trouble to confirm that Joseph and Mary did everything required by the Law (circumcision, purification). Matthew recorded the visit of the Magi (wise men) (Matt. 2:1-12) who believed that the Deliverer was born. This is a dramatic narrative wherein Herods falsity and cruelty come to the fore (Matt. 2:7-18). It ends with the familys flight to Egypt to escape Herods command that in that region all boys up to the age of 2 must be killed. Luke recorded one incident from Jesuss childhood (Luke 2:40-52) in which His spiritual development is clear. During their visit to Jerusalem (Luke 2:41-50) for the Passover Jesus proved his proficiency in the Law. At age twelve He would have been bar-mitzvah and was responsible before the law for himself (Pentecost, 1984:76). At this occasion Jesus actively participated in the temple, listening and asking questions, which was customary for all Jews (Tenney, 1975) Before Jesus ministry started, several significant events took place: the preaching of John the Baptist (Matt. 3:1-12; Mark 1:1-8; Luke 3:1-17), the Baptism of Jesus (Matt. 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21, 22) which was the ultimate purpose of Johns work. The most important event in Christs preparation period that revealed His true character was the temptation (Matt. 4:1-11; Mark 1:12, 13; Luke 4:1-13). That concluded Christs life before the commencement of the first year of His earthly ministry (Tenney, 1975). THE FIRST YEAR The start of Jesus Judean ministry was recorded by John (John 1:35-4:42) although there is some historical uncertainty concerning this period (bron). Jesus and John entered Jerusalem for the Passover, marking the beginning of the first year of Jesuss ministry. During this visit, Jesus made contact with disciples to be. In Johns Gospel a selection (John 20:30-31) of Jesus signs (sÄâ€Å"meia) are told. The first of these that revealed His glory was at the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-12). Through this sign Jesus began to move the disciples to put their faith in Him (John 1:11). Two significant other things Jesus did was the cleansing of the temple (John 2:13f), establishing the righteousness that belongs to the Lord and the conversation He had with Nicodemus (John 3). This very important discussion went over the kingdom of heaven (John 3:3, 5) and Gods standard for eternal life. John also recorded Jesus performing other miracles and signs (John 2:23-25) that revealed Him as the Messiah. Since Jesus started His public ministry, John the Baptists ministry waned and his followers began to follow Jesus. After Jesus baptism, He separated Himself from John, engaging in a countermovement. Johns intention was not to draw men to him, but to be a servant of God. Leaving Judea for Galilee, Jesus had to go through Samaria (John 4:4), and at Sichar he had a watershed conversation with a Samaritan woman, during which he presented Himself as the gift of God (John 4:10) ending in ministering to the Samaritans for two days (4:30f). Christ revealed Himself as the gift to the Jew and the gentile. Also during this conversation, Christs insight into mans nature was revealed, setting the pattern for personal evangelism. Christs first year of ministering ended with His withdrawal from Judea (Matt. 4:12; Mark 1:14; Luke 3:19-20; 4:14; John 4:1-4). The reason why Christ withdrew from Judea was to start His widespread ministry in Galilee. He was fully aware of the rising conflict the Pharisees wanted between His own and Johns disciples and to bring disunity amongst them. Another reason why Christ went to Galilee was the imprisonment of John by Herod. Luke recorded a third reason for Christ to leave Judea he was under the guidance of the Spirit of God (Luke 4:14). Since it was not Jesus time to die, He moved His ministry from Judea to Galilee. THE SECOND YEAR John recorded this period (John 4:43-54) as the second time of Jesus performing signs in Galilee. Knowing the miracle works Jesus did à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the Galileans welcomed Him (John 4:45), hoping to see and hear a repeat of the same signs. Yet, Jesus knew the rejection of Himself and His message lurking in them by telling them that a prophet has no honour in his own country (John 4:44). The Galileans believed in His name, but not in Himself. Christ then started a new way of ministering in Galilee by proclaiming a word of God, validating the message by accompanying numerous miracles and signs. About these signs Tenney fittingly wrote [t]he healing of the officials son at Capernaum serves as a fitting prelude for the whole Galilean ministry (Tenney, 1975). After Jesus pronounced Himself as the Messiah who came to fulfil Scripture (Isaiah 6:1-2a) He was rejected by the Nazarenes (Matt. 13;54-58; Mark 6;1-6a). Jesus then moved to Capernaum, starting His main message Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is near (Matt. 4:17). The first four disciples Peter and Andrew, James and John were called (Matt. 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-11). Their mission was to be fishers of men. Jesus conducted the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7), teaching the people of ethics in a manner that even a child could understand it. Matthew summarised Jesuss words (teachings) and works (miracles) (Smith, 2012). During this period Jesus did many works of healing and feeding that Matthew grouped together (Matt. 8:1-9:8). Most of these healings were also recorded in Mark and Luke, but in different order (owing to each writers context). These miracles had two main effects, to draw crowds of people after Him and ensuing conflict between Himself and the Pharisees. Jesus criticised them of hypocrisy (Matt. 23) and they viewed him as a law breaker. There were many Sabbath controversies mainly due to Jesus healing on that day. Healing marks an important aspect of Jesuss ministry. All four gospels recorded Jesuss choosing the twelve disciples. They were people from all walks of life with specific instructions, not only for themselves but also for the Church of Christ. Christ was preparing them His crucifixion and resurrection. Jesus was based for 2 ½ years in Capernaum, conducting the ministry Himself and later by His disciples. Jesus used the Kingdom parables to explain His ministry, but also protecting it and introducing something new (Heb. 8:13). In the miracle of feeding the 5,000 the beginning of Christs third year of ministry ensued. THE THIRD YEAR The First Six Months Christ withdrew from Galilee arriving at Caesarea Philippi, where He asked them (the twelve) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦who do people say the Son of Man is? (Matt. 16:13). Although the recording of these words differ slightly, the effect thereof was the turning point in the Gospel of Christ (Smith, 2012). Simon Peter grasping the identity of Christ replied You are the Christ, The Son of the Living God (Matt 16:16). Christ was finally revealed and accepted by the twelve as the Son of God. Jesus revealed to the Apostles His mission (Matt. 16:21). Going to Jerusalem (appointed place of sacrifice) to suffer much from the elders, chief priests and teachers of law, eventually to die (Matt 1:21; Mark 10:45). But, He conquered death (John 11:25) and both person and work rose on the third day (Pentecost, 1984). Christ established instructions concerning discipleship, the cost thereof and demands to become a true disciple (Luke 9:23) (Pentecost, 1984). After Jesus separated Peter, James and John (Mark 9:2) coming down the mountain after a glorious experience of Gods glory, Jesus commanded them to tell no-one until Christs rising from the dead (Mark 9:9). The reason for this being entrusting the ministry to man and the fact that the people were already rejecting Him (Pentecost, 1984). No miracles and signs were performed and Christ was teaching them about Faith (Matt 17:20) and the fact that prayer is essentially an attitude of utter dependence on God (Pentecost, 1984). Nazareth was characterized by unbelief (John 7:5) and Jesus knew the plot of the Jews, His approaching death as the Feast of Tabernacles had arrived. Not only did Jesus foretell His death but revealed Gods plan. He remained and sent the twelve alone to the Feast of Tabernacles. The people hated Christ for exposing their sins (7:7), His condemnation of Pharisaism, rejecting His judgment of their unrighteousness and their denial of God (Pentecost, 1984). The Feast of Tabernacles marked an important turning point in the life and ministry of Jesus. Jesus turned to Jerusalem, facing His opposition that would culminate in His death and resurrection. Christ was rejected by the Samaritans and went to another village, not allowing to be defiled by circumstances, obeying Gods will, plan and timetable (Luke 9:53) (Pentecost, 1984). During this period, Christ taught the disciples about life in the Church, their role and in Matthew 18 establishing relationships in the Kingdom of God (Smith, 2012). The Last Six Months Jesus started His ministry in Jerusalem, evangelizing Judea and surrounding areas (Luke 10:1-13; 21) between the Feast of Tabernacles (Luke 9:51-61; John 7:1-10) and the Feast of Dedication (John 10:22-42) (Smith, 2012). When Jesuss life was endangered when the crowd wanted to stone Him, Jesus withdrew to Bethany beyond the Jordan, starting to teach in Perea until He was called to the home of Mary and Martha where He raised Lazarus from the dead (Pentecost, 1984). Due to the indication by the leaders of Israel to reject Jesus, Christ appointed seventy-two (Luke 10:1) as His representatives to deliver the message throughout Judea. Although His works and Words openly declared Him as the Christ, the Jews still tried to seize Him at the Feast of Dedication for not admitting and Jesus had to withdraw again (John 10:22-42) (Smith, 2012), continuing His Judean ministry. The second part of the Perean ministry stretches from the Feast of Dedication in December 32 A.D. to the last journey to Jerusalem in the spring of 33. Jesus was pressing towards the excruciating purpose for which He came to earth, and on the way His teachings was done on Discipleship (Luke 14), evangelism (Luke 15), stewardship (Luke 16) and servant hood (Luke 17) (Smith, 2012). Christ again demonstrated His status as the Son of God, the manner in which he handled the raising of Lazarus (John 11:4), not revealing this miracle publicly as with the sign of Jonah (Matt. 12:38-40). Jesus finally approached Jerusalem; still ministering on the way, with teachings on divorce (Matt. 19:1-12; Mark 10:1-12), children (Matt. 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17), conversion (Matt. 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30) and leadership (Matt. 20:20-28; Mark 10:35-45). During this six months Jesus continued to His final destiny, Jerusalem. He knew His end would be crucifixion, but he went on teaching, revealing Him as the Son of God and equipping His disciples for ministry and after His departure to continue. Jesus taught them much regarding moral, ethical and spiritual topics. To establish His Kingdom was His final call and purpose. He then finally returned, knowing that the Jews wanted to kill him, also revealing this fact to His disciples, but they did not understand. The last week of Jesuss life concludes the last six months starting at the Feast of Passover in Jerusalem. The Last Week Finally the time came that Jesus was preparing His disciples for to witness the slaying of the lamb at the Passover (John 11:55). These events began on the Sunday morning when Jesus entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. Through the triumphal entry Christ, fulfilling scripture (Zech. 9:9; Is. 62:11), was met with a mixed response. Some people saw Him as the King, who came to deliver them from the Roman oppression (Smith, 2012), and realizing Christs intention, turned against Him. Conflict arose and Christ had to leave, spending the night in Bethany. The Monday, on returning to Jerusalem, Christ cursed the fig tree (Mark 11:14), thereby revealing His authority. He proceeds on His journey and at the temple, finding the people trading there, He again cleansed the temple. He established Himself as the guardian of His Fathers House (John 12:20-50) (Pentecost, 1984). Tuesday was a day of controversy and various people tried to entrap Him, to silence and finally kill Him. During this time Christ gave His disciples His most comprehensive end-time teaching, the Olivet Discourse (Smith, 2012). The Wednesday was spent with His disciples (no recording in scripture) and the Thursday the Last Supper was held. At this event Jesus enacted what he said in Mark 10:45 that the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve when he washes His disciples feet (John 13:1). He revealed the betrayal (John 13:18) and encouraged the disciples with the farewell discourse (John 14-16). After the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane He was handed over for crucifixion. There were several stages up to the cross: an examining at the High Priest Annas house (John 18:12-14; 19-24) where Peter denied Christ three times before cockcrow (John 18:12). Before the Sanhedrin (Matt. 26:57) charges of a threatened destruction of the temple linked with blasphemy were brought in (Tenney, 1975). He was then brought before Pilates but he, finding no guilt in Him, handed Him back to Herod. Again Jesus was sent to Pilate who had him scourged and crucified. A dispute developed between the Jews and Pilate regarding the notice on the cross. The gospels record Jesus time on the cross, crowned with His last words it is finished (John 19:30). These terrible occurrences were overturned in the resurrection on the third day. Evidence about Jesus statement in John 11:25 (that He is the resurrection and life) was given on occasions where over 500 saw Him. Therefore, the Great Commission as recorded in Matthew 28 has its basis in Christ, His command and promise (Smith, 2012). CONCLUSION Christ came and offered Himself as Saviour, but His own did not acknowledge His revelation of the Father and King therefore rejected Him to be crucified. Jesus came to give us new life-everlasting life, revealing the nature of God the Father and God the Spirit and who wants to be worshipped, any place and any time. Throughout Jesus ministry He suffered rejection but in the end the triumph of the resurrection is the basis of faith, God showing the divine approval for Christs work upon the cross. That is the basis of the Gospel.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Adolf Hitler :: essays research papers fc

Adolf Hitler’s Early Years Adolf Hitler’s childhood was different than most, but alike at the same time. Here you will see what went on in his family, what happened during decision making of secondary school, and what he did after school before he became the man everyone knows. Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889. Adolf lived with his family on a small farm outside of Linz, Austria. His mother’s name was Klara. Hitler became very attached to her in his childhood. Alois was the name of his father. His father was in the Austrian Civil Service. Alois was used to giving orders so he demanded a lot of chores around the farm for the children. When Hitler was seven, the family moved off the farm to Lambach, Austria. To Hitler this meant fewer chores and more time for play. There Hitler went to an old Catholic Benedictine Monastery School. He took part in boy’s choir and also did very well at this school. He thought very highly of the priest and considered to be one for a while. At age nine he was caught smoking a cigarette by a priest. He was forgiven and not punished. His brother, Alois, Jr., described Hitler as quick to anger. He loved to play Cowboys and Indians when he was young. This gave way to battle re-enactments. Adolf’s little broth er, Edmund, died at the age of 6 from the measles. This was the first time Hitler had to confront a real death instead of the fake ones he sees when he was playing. This seemed to shake him up badly. His little brother was buried in a cemetery right outside of Hitler’s room. He developed a dream to be an artist before he entered secondary school (1). There were two different secondary schools, classical and technical. Hitler wanted to enter the classical school to become an artist, but his father wanted him to follow in his footsteps and go to the technical school. He ended up going to the technical school and did not do so well. He was held back his first year. Hitler thought that if his father would see how poorly he was doing in technical school that his father would allow him to go to the classical school where he could fulfill his dream. This career choice brought many arguments between Adolf and his father because his father thought that the idea of becoming an artist was ridiculous. Adolf Hitler :: essays research papers fc Adolf Hitler’s Early Years Adolf Hitler’s childhood was different than most, but alike at the same time. Here you will see what went on in his family, what happened during decision making of secondary school, and what he did after school before he became the man everyone knows. Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889. Adolf lived with his family on a small farm outside of Linz, Austria. His mother’s name was Klara. Hitler became very attached to her in his childhood. Alois was the name of his father. His father was in the Austrian Civil Service. Alois was used to giving orders so he demanded a lot of chores around the farm for the children. When Hitler was seven, the family moved off the farm to Lambach, Austria. To Hitler this meant fewer chores and more time for play. There Hitler went to an old Catholic Benedictine Monastery School. He took part in boy’s choir and also did very well at this school. He thought very highly of the priest and considered to be one for a while. At age nine he was caught smoking a cigarette by a priest. He was forgiven and not punished. His brother, Alois, Jr., described Hitler as quick to anger. He loved to play Cowboys and Indians when he was young. This gave way to battle re-enactments. Adolf’s little broth er, Edmund, died at the age of 6 from the measles. This was the first time Hitler had to confront a real death instead of the fake ones he sees when he was playing. This seemed to shake him up badly. His little brother was buried in a cemetery right outside of Hitler’s room. He developed a dream to be an artist before he entered secondary school (1). There were two different secondary schools, classical and technical. Hitler wanted to enter the classical school to become an artist, but his father wanted him to follow in his footsteps and go to the technical school. He ended up going to the technical school and did not do so well. He was held back his first year. Hitler thought that if his father would see how poorly he was doing in technical school that his father would allow him to go to the classical school where he could fulfill his dream. This career choice brought many arguments between Adolf and his father because his father thought that the idea of becoming an artist was ridiculous.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Legalizing Marijuana Essay -- Papers Weed Drugs Legalization Essays

Legalizing Marijuana Why marijuana? Why legalize marijuana for recreational use? I think the question we should ask ourselves is ?why not Are there any benefits? Again, the focus is misplaced. The question should be how do the benefits of decriminalizing marijuana far outweigh the negative aspects. Why was marijuana made illegal in the first place? Marijuana is certainly not illegal due to health concerns, because if that were the case alcohol and tabacco would be illegal as well. The fact is Americans demand the freedom to choose. Freedom of choice is one of the basic principles this country was founded on. If that freedom of choice is the right to choose to indulge in vices that may be detrimental to one?s health, whether it be alcohol, tabacco or marijuana, than that must be a decision that we as Americans are able to make for ourselves. Why is the third most popular drug in the U.S., behind alcohol and tobacco, the only one of the three still illegal? It?s because most of the public is blind to th e benefits marijuana?s decriminalization would bring. This narrow minded way of thinking is similar to the kind of paranoia that caused it?s prohibition in 1937. Although legalizing the use of marijuana for recreational purposes would call for a greater sense of responsibility, it?s positive effects would have a profound impact on this nation. One of the largest and most costly problems concerned with this issue is overcrowded prisons. I think Nick Hexum illustrates it best when he sings, ?The war on drugs may be well intentioned-but it falls?flat when you stop and mention-the overcrowded prisons where a rapist gets paroled-to make room for a?[guy] who has sold-a pound of weed-to me that?s a crime? Although these are ... Esq. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources Committee on Government Reform U.S. House of Representatives, July 13, 1999 Bibliography: Gazzaniga, Michael S. ?An Interview With Michael Gazzaniga? The National Review Accessed March 4, 2001 Hexum, Nicholas ?Grassroots? 311, 1994 Capricorn Records Jackson, Ted. ?Today, in Another Drug-Related, accessed March 7, 2001. Stroup, R. Keith Esq. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources Committee on Government Reform U.S. House of Representatives, July 13, 1999